
Cosmoimaginaries + Intercreate

In Person and Online



Rachel Blackman performing in‘s ‘Of the Spheres’
Laura Williams, presenting the theory and practice of Aluna London

Aluna’s architectural designs for the building site on the Thames in Greenwich
Louise Beer presenting ‘Gathering Light’ 2023
Rachel Blackman’s somatic Lunar Imagining session

The Cosmoimaginaries online programme explores plural approaches to outer space, ecologies and technologies. Taking seriously—and playfully—that varied and creative methods expand limited and narrow definitions of communication and life.

Growing relationships across Oceania, Cosmoimaginaries is committed to the ecological commons, with an emphasis on free or affordable engagements that open up ideas across research with vibrant networks and varied publics through dialogues, events, workshops, exhibitions and publicly accessible research.

The programme is rooted in respect for diverse ways of knowing and being, bringing relational and poetic techniques to emergent issues at the living edges of our understanding in the era of the second space age, marked by climate and systemic breakdown. Cosmoimaginaries refigures outer space and the search for extraterrestrial life (SETI) through varied scientific, technological, cultural and creative perspectives. Emphasising Earth's deep entanglement in the wild and weird ecologies of wider Universal processes, dialogues and creative experimenets across place and diverse imaginaries open up fresh approaches to questions of astroecology, communication, and life.

Moving beyond the exhausted extractive futures of colonising space industries, Cosmoimaginaries welcomes more-than-human approaches through art and storytelling, multimodal ethnographies, archaeologies, and varied philosophies and cultural practices, as well as different place-based approaches to futures, readiness, and the stars.

Cosmoimaginaries emerges out of playful encounters of space art and research networks across the last decades and then online meetings during 2020. A live event at Care + Climate in 2023 launched the theme as part of the Ecologies, Technologies programme with Schumacher College. The 2024 programme is hosted by and Intercreate (Taranaki, Aotearoa). Events share speculative experiments, poetry and storytelling, performance and improvisation, and participatory research and conversations with experts rooted in the qualities of astro ecological life—processual, complex, dynamic, embodied, and uncertain.

We aim to share meetings online where we can, though there may be edits and ommissions with priority to different cultural protocols for sharing local knowledge.


  • The SETI Post-Detection Hub
  • Care + Climate
  • Aluna London

Find out more about the online programme, upcoming meetings and previous live events, and the late September Orionids Workshop.


Kate Genevieve is an artist, researcher, and founder of studio. Her work is rooted in a sense that embodied, relational, creative life feeds activism and transformation in real ways. She explores ecological communication, embodied realities, and dreaming technologies through her practice-based research, education, and curating, exhibiting art and performances worldwide. She exhibits internationally, and has served as a Visiting Artist at the Sackler Centre for Consciousness Science and the Swiss Center for Affective Sciences, creating experiential installations and playful research into relational experience. Kate taught MA and BA courses at the University of Sussex and Brighton University, and since moving to Aotearoa, has designed and facilitated various creative arts and science programmes, ‘Sensing in Uncertainty’ with Nora Bateson and the International Bateson Institute for National Health Services South West England, and the ‘Ecologies, Technologies’ hybrid programme with Schumacher College. She is now developing the themes of Ecoimaginaries and Cosmoimaginaries with the Intercreate network, where she serves as a trustee in Te Whanganui-a-Tara, Aotearoa, and convenes the Emerging Practices Working Group for the SETI Post-Detection Hub at the University of St Andrews.

Nina Czegledy, artist, independent curator, researcher, and educator, works internationally on collaborative art, science and technology projects. Paradigm shifts in the arts, science, educational issues and contemporary technologies inform her projects. Involved in space art exhibitions and projects from early in her career, including working with Pasha Clothier and Trudy Lane on the many SCANZ meetings for the Intercreate network - “Solar Circuit Aotearoa New Zealand” - from the Polar Circuit artist residency, which was held in 1997, 1998 and 2000. Recent curation work has opened up fresh emphasis on culture, embodied sensing and inner worlds; as a curator for the symposium, A Light Footprint in the Cosmos, and now working on a new project on light and intimacy. Nina has exhibited and published widely, won awards for her artwork and has initiated, led and participated in workshops, forums and festivals worldwide.

Trudy Lane takes a relational, embedded approach to conservation and creative projects which support the healthy interrelationship of community and ecologies in her rural home area. In this way, navigating turbid waters to restore coastal wetlands, using creative works to advocate for globally migratory shorebirds, and co-organising events acknowledging painful colonial histories, all form interconnected manifestations of a commitment to find ways to create healing in her ‘place to stand’ in Aotearoa New Zealand. Trudy has exhibited internationally, and is a co-founder of Intercreate. She is the creator of Sunroom, an installation inspired by the simple realisation that all energy for life on Earth comes from the Sun to combine astrophysics, energy, ecology, and cosmologies, presented by Urban Dream Brokerage in Dunedin.

Nina Czegledy + Janine Randerson’s Areosphere and Atmosphere at SCANZ (Intercreate)
Rachel Blackman performing in‘s Of the Spheres

Trudy Lane's Sunroom. Hosted by Mark Amery for Urban Dream Brokerage, Dunedin.

Session Recordings