Practice as a Portal:
Fresh Dialogues between Earth and Outer Space
With Willi Lempert, Daniela De Paulis and
Juan Francisco Salazar
Date: April 23rd, 2024
Online meeting - Video recording on Peertube
This event marks the beginning of the 2nd program of Cosmoimaginaries, in association with Intercreate Aotearoa an experimental practice and knowledge sharing programme focusing on ecological and cosmic imaginaries in relation to planetary activism.
This dialogue invites a playful exploration of how imaginative practices deepen approaches to the planetary and outer space.
Centring polycultures of ecology and technology and the Earth's deep entanglement in the wild and weird ecologies of the wider Universe, what kind of fresh openings do emerging practices invite? How can urgent calls to decolonise and temper the ambitious extractive energies of the new space age be addressed amidst ecological crises and multiplying conflicts? How may emphasising transdisciplinary methods and situated knowledges hydrate SETI—the search for extraterrestrial intelligence—and encourage new awarenesses of diverse communication protocols across different culture and contexts.
This discussion brings together artist Daniela De Paulis, Dr. Willi Lempert and Professor Juan Francisco Salazar, who combine rigour and imagination in their research to walk new paths into plurality. This panel aims to explore living connections across their research and creative methods such as storytelling, scenarios, and participatory practices and listen afresh to experimental, creative and transcultural approaches to outer space futures and the search for life beyond Earth.
This event is hosted by Kate Genevieve and Intercreate.
For reflection -
• How can work with creative practice and storytelling transform approaches and understandings of outer space and the search for extraterrestrial intelligence?
• Can storytelling, art practice and creative participatory practices refigure understandings of readiness, communication, and the unknown?
• Why is it vital that creative practice open plural engagements with the “more-than-terran”, welcoming diverse audiences and plural imaginaries?
Willi Lempert
Daniela De Paulis
Juan Francisco Salazar
Indigenous Studies Working Group Statement Atalay, Lempert, Shorter, and TallBear (2021) American Indian Culture and Research Journal
Daniela de Paulis, A Sign in Space
Daniela de Paulis, The Metamorphosis
of a Periplaneta Americana
The Routledge Handbook of Social Studies of Outer Space ed. Juan Francisco Salazar, Alice Gorman (2023) Routledge
Salazar, Juan Francisco and Castaño, Paola (2022). Framing the Futures of Australia in Space: Insights from Key Stakeholders. Parramatta, Sydney: Institute for Culture and Society, Sestern Sydney University
Olson, Valerie A. (2023). Refielding in More-Than-Terran Spaces in The Routledge Handbook of Social Studies of Outer Space ed. Juan Francisco Salazar, Alice Gorman (2023) Routledge